Night Frolf tournament


Have you ever played golf under the starry night with your friends? George Sappenfield would have been greatly surprised in 1965 to learn that his invention, frisbee golf (Frolf), has reached Lithuania, with frisbee discs flying even at night.

Chasing targets with glowing frisbee discs in the dark will open up adventures, unconventional situations, and a different understanding of oneself and others for you and your companions.

Frolf is a game where athleticism gives way to communication, friendship, creativity, and random contact with the surrounding environment.

The landscape and atmosphere of the Curonian Spit are perfect for the original version of Frolf – with a freely changeable, creatively designed course consisting of natural and unnatural targets. For example, a pine tree trunk, a chain swing, a blinking marker in an exotic location, and more. Upon request, we can set up the course in your chosen location.

The goal of a Frolf tournament is team-based – to collectively complete the course using the fewest throws of the frisbee disc. Different themed and configured courses feature from 9 to 18 or more targets spaced 50–150 meters apart. Each target requires a successful throw with the frisbee disc. Depending on the player’s frisbee throwing skills (which are easy to improve!), it may take 2.5 or more throws to reach each target.

The absolute goal of a Frolf tournament is to have a great time, satisfy each player with the completed course, and foster team spirit. On the other hand, team members oriented towards the goal have the opportunity to win the main prize of the evening.